[Udemy][AWS-SAA][Section-1,2,3] 시험소개 및 강의소개
3월에 AWS-DVA 에 합격하고 난 뒤 AWS 를 사용하는 회사에 취직하진 못했지만 그래도 이어서 AWS 에 대해 공부해보려고 한다.
같은 레벨의 SAA 를 먼저 공부하고, DevOps 를 준비해보는 계획을 세웠다.
이후 Azure 와 GCP 도 하나씩 자격증을 목표로 공부해봐야겠다.
AWS-DVA 온라인 시험 합격 후기
피어슨뷰로 들어가서 예약 시험을 클릭해서 들어간 후 시험관과 시험 환경을 체크한다 qr 코드를 통해 폰으로 먼저 좌우전후 내 방 사진을 찍어서 올리고 내 정면 사진과 여권도 찍었던걸로 기
복습하는 겸 해서 천천히 보다가 모르는 부분만 포스팅할 예정
#AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
이미 다른 자격증을 획득한 사람은 아래 강의를 스킵해도 좋다고 한다
B] If you first completed my AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner course
You can skip sections 3, 4, 5 & 12
C] If you first completed my AWS Certified Developer Associate course and don't want to re-watch content...
Please watch the following lectures:
Section 5 - EC2 Fundamentals
- Spot Instances & Spot Fleet
- EC2 Instances Launch Types Hands On
Section 6 - EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate Level
- Private vs Public vs Elastic IP
- Private vs Public vs Elastic IP Hands On
- EC2 Placement Groups
- EC2 Placement Groups - Hands On
- Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) - Overview
- Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) - Hands On
- ENI - Extra Reading
- EC2 Hibernate
- EC2 Hibernate - Hands On
Section 7 - EC2 Instance Storage
- EBS Encryption
Section 8 can be skipped
Section 9 - AWS Fundamentals: RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache
- RDS Custom for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server
- Amazon Aurora - Advanced Concepts
- RDS & Aurora - Backup and Monitoring
- RDS Proxy
- ElastiCache for Solution Architects
- List of Ports to be familiar with
Section 11 - Classic Solutions Architecture Discussions
- Solutions Architecture Discussions Overview
- WhatsTheTime.com
- MyClothes.com
- MyWordPress.com
- Instantiating applications quickly
- Beanstalk Hands On
Section 14 - Advanced Amazon S3
- S3 Requester Pays
- S3 Batch Operations
Section 15 - Amazon S3 Security
- Glacier Vault Lock & S3 Object Lock
Section 16 - CloudFront & AWS Global Accelerator
- CloudFront - Price Classes
- CloudFront - Cache Invalidation
- AWS Global Accelerator - Overview
- AWS Global Accelerator - Hands On
Section 17 - AWS Storage Extras
- AWS Snow Family Overview
- AWS Snow Family Hands On
- Architecture: Snowball into Glacier
- Amazon FSx
- Amazon FSx - Hands On
- Storage Gateway Overview
- Storage Gateway Hands On
- AWS Transfer Family
- All AWS Storage Options Compared
Section 18 - Decoupling applications: SQS, SNS, Kinesis, Active MQ
- SQS - Long Polling
- SQS + Auto Scaling Group
- Kinesis Data Analytics
- Amazon MQ
And everything from section 19 onwards.
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Code & Slides
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